

IVF of RT together with the Industry Development Fund is financing projects in the priority directions of the economy. The loans from 20 to 100 million rubles for 5 years under annual 5% interest and the total budget of the project are at least 40 million rubles.

В условиях высокой концентрации и широкого развития в республике промышленных индустриальных парков, технопарков, а также территорий опережающего социально-экономического развития, ИВФ РТ совместно с МСП Банк, реализует широкий спектр финансовых продуктов.

IVF of RT together with the Industry Development Fund is financing projects in the priority directions of the economy. The loans from 20 to 100 million rubles for 5 years under annual 5% interest and the total budget of the project are at least 40 million rubles.

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