50 Вest Innovative Ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan
«Fifty best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan» is the republican competition, which is held annually. The organizers are: the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan and the RT Ministry of Education and science.
Aims and Goals of the Competition:
- Increase of the innovative potential of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Inspiration of innovative scientific-research activity of our scientists, engineers and technicians, inventors, post graduates, students and schoolchildren;
- Attraction of youth into the scientific research-work activity and technical creativity;
- Application of intellectual potential of the Russian regions and foreign countries in the settlement of scientific and technical, as well as social and economic tasks of the Republic of Tatarstan promotion;
- Creation of conditions for implementation of innovative technology, development of science intensive production facilities in the economy of the Republic of Tatarstan to increase the competitiveness of products manufactured by the republican enterprises.
More than 150 scientists annually receive competition awards
Participation requirements and criteria of competitive selection
The projects selected for the Competition shall be aimed at settlement of research and technical, economic, social and humanitarian development issues in the Republic of Tatarstan. The participation in the Competition is welcomed for individuals from the Republic of Tatarstan, regions of the Russian Federation and foreign citizens. The applications will be registered till October 15 of the current year.
The Competition will be held by 9 nominations:
- «Perspective»;
- «Innovations in Education»;
- «Start of Innovations»;
- «Nano-Impulse»;
- «Digital Economy»;
- «Patent of the Year»;
- «Socially Prominent Innovations»;
- «Projects of National Technological Initiative»;
- «The Youth Innovative Project».
Main criteria of competitive selection:
- Compliance of the project to the current level of science and technology development;
- Compliance of the project to the main priorities of social and economic development of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- Possible commercialization of the project.
Projects are registered only with documents confirming implementation or the implementation intention of their developments at the enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan. Such nominations as «Perspective» and «The Youth Innovative project» shall be excluded from these requirements.
Winners get from 25 to 50 thousand rubles
Winners get from 25 to 50 thousand rubles or assets for the project development.
About the Program
Nomination is held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Competition is held for the priority directions of science, technology and engineering development:
- Rational environmental management, ecology and environmental protection, soil fertility reproduction, adaptive landscape systems of agriculture.
- Integrated development of hydrocarbon raw material resources.
- Science intensive engineering
- Polymer, composite and energy-packed materials.
- Nano-industry.
- Information- communication systems, appliances and data protection.
- Energy, energy-effective and energy saving technology.
- Architecture and construction.
- Fundamental and applied medicine, biotechnology.
- History and culture of the Tatar people and Tatarstan.
Who is matching
Students of the secondary and higher vocational education institutions from 11to 19 years old inclusively
What will they get
The winners of this nomination will get financing
- of 25 000 rubles
Up to 10 winners will be granted the awards
in education»
About the Program
Nomination is held by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Who is matching?
Preschool education facility teachers, general education institution teachers, professors and lecturers of the higher educational institutions, businessmen with innovative projects in education
What will they get?
- 50 000 rubles
Up to 10 winners will be granted the awards
«Start of Innovations»
About the Program
For participation in this nomination we take applications directed at settlement of scientific and technical character issues in the Republic of Tatarstan by the following directions:
- Oil. Chemical technology and advanced materials (projects in the field of complex development of hydrocarbon raw material resources, polymer, composition and energy-stuffed materials);
- Information technologies (projects in the field of information technology, software and telecommunication systems, radio technology and electronics, appliances construction development);
- Agriculture and environmental management (projects in the field of agriculture, soil fertility recovery, adaptive- landscape agricultural systems; rational environmental management, ecology, environmental protection and food industry);
- Live systems (projects in the field of fundamental and applied medicine, biotechnology, pharmacology, biotechnology for medicine);
- Engineering, power-engineering and civil engineering (projects in the field of science intensive engineering, power-engineering, energy efficiency and energy and resources saving technology).
Who is matching
Scientists, inventors, businessmen and startups
What will they get
- 50 000 rubles each
Up to 10 winners will be granted the awards.
About the Program
For participation in this nomination we accept applications in the field of nanotechnology.
- 50 000 rubles each.
Up to 10 winners will be granted the awards.
Who is matching?
Scientists, inventors, businessmen and startups
What will they get?
«Patent of the Year»
About the Program
For participation in this nomination we accept applications by the objects of intellectual property, which received patents of invention in the previous year, or in the year of holding the Competition by the Federal Service for intellectual property, patents and trademarks (Rospatent) or by the foreign patent services.
Who is matching
Scientists, inventors, businessmen and startups
What will they get
- 50 000 rubles each
Up to 10 winners will be granted the awards.
«Youth Innovative Project»
Who is matching?
Winners of the program «Participant of the Youth Scientific and Innovative Competition («UMNIK») held by the Promotion Fund for development of small size enterprises in the scientific and technical sphere.
What they get
- Up to 40 projects will become winners.
Within the scope of the Competition we select ideas and projects for granting awards and scholarships from the partners of Competition:
- «Tatneftekhiminvest-Holdung» OJSC — up to 10 half year personal scholarships of 5 000 rubles per month each;
- «Svyasinvestneftekhim» OJSC — up to 10 half year personal scholarships of 5 000 rubles per month each;
- «Ак Bars» Bank OJSC — up to 10 awards of 30 000 rubles each;
- «Khimgrad» OJSC — up to 5 half year personal scholarships of 5 000 rubles per month each.
«Socially Important Innovations»
About the Program:
For participation in this nomination of the Competition we accept applications aimed at the solution of social and economic, as well as humanitarian issues of the Republic of Tatarstan development, and modernization of the RT economy.
Who is matching
Scientists, inventors, businessmen, startups
What will they get
- Up to 10 winners will get 50 000 (Fifty thousand) rubles each.
«Projects of National Technological Initiative»
About the Program:
For participation in this nomination, we accept applications aimed at solution of issues of scientific and technological character in the Republic of Tatarstan by the following directions:
- «AeroNet»;
- «MariNet»;
- «AutoNet»;
- «NeiroNet»;
- «HelthNet»;
- «EnergyNet»;
- «FoodNet»;
- «SafeNet»;
- «FinNet»;
- «TechNet»;
Who is matching?
Scientists, inventors, businessmen, startups
What will they get?
- Up to 5 winners, will get 50 000 (Fifty thousand) rubles each.
Terms of competitive selection of the projects
from 01 january to 16 october
Acceptance and registration of applications
from 17 october to 30 november
Applications expertize.
from 01 to 31 december
Approval of the Competition results by the Expert Council and distribution of awards.
Applicants shall send the materials before the termination of the first stage validity period of the Competition to the Competition organizers and representative offices addresses.
Representative offices of the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan:
- Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
420111, Kazan, Bauman St., 20, (843) 292-70-91 - FSBEI HPO «Almetyevskiy State Oil Institute»
423450, Almetyevsk, Lenin St., 2, (8553) 31-00-28 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering»
420043, Kazan, Zelyonaya St., 1, office79, (843) 510-46-39, (843) 510-46-36.
- FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy State Agrarian University»
420015, Kazan, K.Marx St., 65, office 6, (843) 567-46-19 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy State Medical University» of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
420012, Kazan, Butlerov St., 49, (843) 236-06-23 (843) 236-09-22 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy National Research Technical University named after А.N.Tupolev - КАI»
420111, Kazan, K. Marx St., 10, Innovative activity administration, UPM building, (843) 231-01-26 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy National Research Technical University»
420015 Kazan, K. Marx St., 68, office140, (843) 231-42-56, (843) 231-42-89, (843) 231-42-00. - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy (Volga region) Federal University»
420008 Kazan, Kremlyovskaya St.,18, Geometricheskiy building, office 10, (843) 233-74-31 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy State Power-Engineering University»
420066, Kazan, Krasnoselskaya St., 51, building D, office D 217, (843) 527-92-04, (843) 251-27-86 - FPFIS «Kazanskiy Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences»
420111, Kazan, Lobachevsky St., 2/31, office 24, (843) 231-90-59, (843) 292-75-97 - «Innovation and Production TechnoPark «Idea» CJSC
420107, Kazan, Peterburgskaya St., 50, office 307, (843) 570-68-50 - Non-profit organization «The Republic of Tatarstan Association of Inventors and Innovators»
420102, Kazan, 2nd Yugo-Zapadnaya, 3, (843) 518-91-98 - Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan
420111, Kazan, Dzerzhinskiy St., 3,office109, (843) 292-51-92 - FSBEI HPO «Kazanskiy State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after N.E. Bauman»
420029, Kazan, Sibirskiy Trakt St., 35, (843) 273-97-74, (843) 273-96-56 - SBI «Business-incubator of the city Naberezhnye Chelny »
423810, Naberezhnye Chelny, Entusiastov blvd.,11 (3/08), 8 story, office 806, (8552) 30-40-00, (8552) 30-40-07 - ANCO «Kazanskiy Cooperative Institute (Branch)»
420045, Kazan, N.Yershova St. ,58, (843) 272-26-28 - FSBEI HPO «Volga region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism»
420138, Kazan, Universiade village,33, (843) 221-09-02 - Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center- ICDC
420101, Kazan, Karbysheva St.,12 А. - ANCO « Kazanskiy Open University of Talents 2.0»
420021, Kazan, Tatarstan St., 20. - Non-profit organization « Entrepreneurship Support Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan»
420021, Kazan, Moskovskaya St., 55.