IDF co-financing program
From 2016 the Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan is the authorized body of the Republic of Tatarstan Industrial Development Fund. The Investment and Venture Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the Industrial Development Fund offer beneficial loan co-financing to the projects aimed at import substitution and competitive consumer goods manufacturing on competitive basis.
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Basic requirements of IDF programs financing
Requirements to the project
- Salability of products
- Import substituting and/or export potential of products
- Scientific and technical viability
- Financial and economic efficiency and sustainability of the project
Requirements to the applicant
- RF resident
- Not under bankruptcy or liquidation
- Not in litigation proceedings able to affect the project
- Ownership structure is open, including final beneficiaries
- Sustainable financial status
- No arrears for tax, salary, as well as payments in IDF
Financed projects
- «Organic Park» LLC – production of microbiological pesticides and agro-chemicals;
- JSC "Riat" - Manufacture of automobile vacuum loaders and stationary vacuum installations for various industries.