Competition of innovative ideas is held in the priority sectors of RT economy by 8 nominations. It is participated by the inventors, innovators, businessmen, students, schoolchildren, academic employees and scientists. Awards and scholarships are granted from 5 000 to 50 000 rubles or targeted funding is made from the Fund up to 220 000 rubles.
Financial support within the scope of the Program is fulfilled in the form of money sums allocated for the fulfillment of the definite innovative projects.
Acceleration program for innovative companies is aimed at improvement of the quality of the offered products from the Russian technological startups and fostering of their implementation at the global market. Technological startups undergoing acceleration program will get access to the international markets, access to the engineering centers and other support services, consultations of the leading international experts and mentors, investments up to 8 million rubles from the program organizers, and up to 1 million euro from international partners and co-organizers.